Calf Jumps

Calf Jumps
Target Muscle:
Leg Press Machine (Closed-Chain)
Secure yourself into a closed-chain seated leg press machine. This means any leg press machine where the force applied causes the seat to move backward rather than the platform to move forward.

Space your feet about shoulder width apart and place the balls of your feet on the edge of the platform.

Bend at the knees and allow your body to travel around 8-10 inches forward, and then drive the seat backward by simultaneously flexing your calves as hard as you can while straightening out your knees. Return back to the starting position and repeat.
- As you press the weight up, focus on raising yourself up onto your big toe rather than the entire front of your foot. This will prevent your foot from rolling outward and will maximize calf stimulation.

- Unlike the other calf exercises outlined in this section, this movement should be done using a more explosive motion. Don't worry about performing slow negatives or obsessing over perfect form. Just utilize as much weight as you can safely handle and lower/raise the weight up in whatever way feels most natural.

- Always keep a slight bend in your knees in the fully contracted position rather than completely locking them out. This will take pressure off of the joints.