Single-Arm Cable Press

Single-Arm Cable Press
Target Muscle:
Chest (Mid/Lower)
Seated Cable Press Machine
Sit down on the cable machine and grasp onto one handle, holding it at
mid-chest height with your palm facing down and elbow forming a 90 degree angle. Grab onto the seat or side of the bench with the opposite hand for support.

Press the cable forward and across your chest in an arching motion until your arm is fully extended and you feel a strong contraction in your pec.

Lower the cable back following the same path until the handle is in line with your chest, and repeat.
- Keep your shoulder blades slightly retracted throughout the exercise as this will reduce shoulder stress and increase pec activation.

- If it feels more comfortable on your shoulder joints, you can stop an inch or two short of your chest rather than bringing the cable all the way back.