Rope Pushdown

Rope Pushdown
Target Muscle:
Cable Machine, Rope Attachment
Place a rope attachment at the top of the cable machine and grab onto it with both hands using a neutral palms-facing-in grip.

Take a small step back and stand with your waist very slightly bent forward with both feet side-by-side or one in front of the other (choose whichever feels most comfortable).

With your elbows tucked in towards your sides, press the rope down while at the same time forcefully spreading the rope apart. Continue until your elbows are locked out and your triceps are fully contracted.

Pause briefly and then raise the rope back up until you feel a good stretch in your triceps, and repeat.
- Don't allow your elbows to excessively drift forward or backward as you raise and lower the rope. A bit of movement is normal, but your forearms should be doing the majority of the movement.

- You don’t have to keep your elbows completely tucked in throughout the exercise, but don’t allow them to flare out excessively either. Find the position that feels most natural for you.

- As with all tricep extension exercises, focus on control by using a smooth and deliberate rep cadence. You shouldn't be heaving around very heavy weights or using explosive movements as this can easily lead to elbow injury in the long term.