Whey protein is the most popular bodybuilding and fitness supplement available and has been a core component of muscle building and fat burning diets for decades.
Although staples like chicken, fish and steak are awesome protein sources as well, whey protein delivers the following unique benefits:
#1 – It has the highest absorption rate in the human body of any protein source on the planet, with a bio-availability of nearly 100%. This means that if you ingest 40 grams of whey protein, nearly all of it will be broken down, absorbed and utilized by your body.
#2 – It provides the most concentrated source of the amino acids l-leucine, l-valine and l-isoleucine. These are known as the “branched-chain amino acids” (BCAA’s for short) and are the primary aminos involved in stimulating muscle growth.
#3 – Because of its powdered form, it is also the most convenient source as well. It doesn’t require any extensive preparation/chewing time and can be blended up in just a couple minutes to make high protein smoothies, snacks or a variety of other easy recipes.
Because of these 3 key benefits (there are many more as well), whey protein is highly recommended to anyone serious about their bodybuilding and fitness program.
But is whey protein safe? Are there any whey protein dangers you should know about?
Whey Protein Dangers: Should You Be Concerned?
If you’re reading this article now, then you’re probably interested in whey protein supplementation but want to be sure that it’s safe first.
The truth is that there is nothing to be concerned about, as whey protein (as well as high protein diets in general) have never been shown to be harmful to human health in any way. (Despite what some fear-mongering, uninformed media sources might have you believe)
The fundamental mistake that most people make is in viewing whey as some sort of separate “supplement” that is somehow different from other protein sources. They imagine whey as being some high-tech, unnatural source synthesized in a lab somewhere.
In reality, whey protein is a 100% natural source of protein that is isolated from milk.
In fact, about 20% of the milk you already drink is composed of whey protein.
The whey protein supplements that you purchase at the store are simply convenient powdered forms that have been isolated and packaged up for consumption.
Asking if there are any “whey protein dangers” to worry about is fundamentally no different than asking if there are “chicken dangers” or “potato dangers” to worry about as well.
Whey is ultimately a whole food protein source just like any other.
In fact, whey protein has actually been shown to be directly beneficial to human health due to its effects on raising glutathione levels.
Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in your body and has a variety of positive effects on health such as strengthening the immune system, improving brain function, protecting cells and preventing muscular fatigue.
Whey Protein Dangers: The Bottom Line
When it all comes down to it, not only is whey protein NOT dangerous to your health in any, but it will:
– Provide you with the highest quality muscle building and fat burning protein source found in nature.
– Deliver a variety of positive health effects by naturally raising your glutathione levels.
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