Private Members-Only Download Area

Congratulations on your decision to purchase The Body Transformation Blueprint and for making this commitment to your body, your health and your life as a whole.

All of the tools you need to achieve your ultimate dream body and get into the shape you truly desire are right here in this members-only section.

Please note that your purchase will appear on your bank statement as "CLKBANK*COM".

Before going any further, I would highly recommend that you bookmark this page so that you can return to it easily whenever you need to.

If you run into any problems whatsoever while accessing the material, just send an email to
[email protected] and I'll get right back to you.

The complete package can be accessed below. Every item is delivered in PDF format (with the exception of the video exercise database) , so you'll need to make sure you have Adobe Reader installed order to view them.

The Body Transformation Blueprint E-Book
This 271-page, instantly downloadable
e-book is your definitive guide to transforming your body in the fastest and most effective way possible.

The Body Transformation Blueprint Manual  is written in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format that anyone can understand and implement.

No nonsense, no filler and no fluff - just the
hard-hitting, scientific truth about building lean muscle and melting off body fat as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You'll learn in detail about everything you need to know including weight training, cardio, nutrition, supplementation, recovery, common myths, motivation, progress tracking and more.

This complete guide compresses 14 years of dedicated research, trial and error and in-the-trenches experience into just couple days worth of reading.
Complete Step-By-Step Workout System
This full, detailed workout guide outlines the exact pattern of days to spend in the gym along with the exercises, sets and reps for each workout.

You won't have to doubt yourself or make any second guesses about your training plan any longer... you'll instantly know that all of your effort in the gym is being put to the very best use possible.

This workout system can be performed at a regular gym or from home and includes a lengthy list of possible exercise substitutions, so you can easily adapt the plan to your own unique situation no matter what.

Along with your step-by-step weight training plan, you'll also be given a variety of highly effective cardio progams that you can select from based on your goals.
Bulking & Cutting Meal Plans
Proper nutrition will literally make or break your entire program, and these step by step meal plans will show you exactly how to eat to optimally fuel your results.

You're getting a huge collection of plans here specifically tailored both to bulking and cutting. The bulking plans range from 1800-4500 calories while the cutting plans range from 1200-3300 calories, with each set of plans increasing in increments of 100.

These plans show you exactly what to eat for each meal, when to eat it and how much to eat for optimum results.

Each calorie level includes 5 separate days of eating for you to choose from based on your preference. You can either select a single day that appeals to you most and stick with that, or you can choose two or more and rotate through them for added variety.

Science-Based Supplementation Guide
Supplements can provide a nice boost to your overall results and improve the convenience of your nutrition plan... but only if you know what you're doing.

Most people are totally misguided in this area of their program and end up short-changing their results while wasting a ton of money in the process.

The BTB Supplement Guide will reveal which select few supplements are truly worth your money, including the specific brands I recommend. I'll also show you exactly how to incorporate them into your plan for the best results.

With this information on your side, you'll never waste another dime on a useless pill or powder ever again.

Note: Body Transformation Blueprint members will receive 10% off their first order of RealScience Athletics Supplements using discount code BTB10.

The BTB Video Exercise Database
This online exercise database includes detailed written descriptions and full motion videos of over 100 of the most effective weightlifting exercises in existence.

You'll learn proper form to prevent injuries and tips to maximize the effectiveness of each movement.

The database also outlines the target muscles, secondary muscles and equipment necessary to perform each exercise.

In addition, all of the exercises are conveniently categorized for easy use.
Macro Friendly Recipe & Smoothie Book
No, you don't have to slave away to tupperware containers full of boiled chicken, brown rice and broccoli every day in order to achieve the lean, muscular body you're after. Not even close.

With just a bit of proper planning, it is absolutely possible to enjoy delicious meals throughout your entire day while getting into the very best shape of your life at the same time.

The step by step cookbook gives you the full ingredient lists, nutritional information, and step-by-step instructions for preparing everything from "chicken avocado quesadillas" to "salmon teriyaki stiry fry" to "chocolate peanut butter protein cookies".


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