Ask most average fitness trainers out there how to build those round, wide “3D Delts” that all serious lifters strive for, and you’ll usually get the same basic answer… They’ll tell you to put your primary focus on overhead pressing movements,…
The rear delts don’t get enough respect. Most lifters spend plenty of time hammering their front and side delts through heavy chest pressing, shoulder pressing, front raises and side lateral raises, but end up heavily neglecting their rear deltoids in…
In my most recent post I discussed in detail the proper form for executing a basic side lateral raise and outlined 7 common side lateral raise mistakes that anyone looking to maximize their side delt development should avoid. This exercise…
Lateral raise mistakes are a dime a dozen around the gym, but that doesn’t mean you have to remain stuck there. If you’re looking to carve out a set of round, broad shoulders that really stand out and get noticed,…
We’ve covered the behind the neck lat pulldowns in another article. But what about the behind the neck press? Basic overhead free weight presses have always been considered as the foundation of effective shoulder training. Along with military presses and…
Ask most muscle building experts how to build round shoulders that really “pop” and you’ll usually get the same basic answer… They’ll tell you to put your primary focus on compound overhead pressing movements (such as barbell military presses or…
Although an often over-looked aspect of bodybuilding training, direct rear delt work should definitely be included in any well-rounded shoulder workout for two primary reasons… The first is for maintaining healthy shoulder joints. Most people who train with weights on a…
Should you prioritize shoulder exercises for mass to the upper body? The answer is: absolutely. If you’re looking to build an impressive, muscular body, properly developed shoulders are an absolute must. Full, thick deltoids will cause your upper body to…