If you’re searching for a 5000 calorie meal plan, then you already know just how important proper nutrition is when it comes to building muscle.
It doesn’t matter how much time you spend in the gym or how hard you smash those weights… if you don’t eat big, you certainly won’t be getting big either.
Included on this page is a complete 5000 calorie meal plan that you can use to pack on some serious mass.
It uses only the highest quality proteins, carbohydrates and fats to make sure you make lean muscle gains without the fat.
Before you get started, make sure to read these 4 quick guidelines first…
1 – This meal plan can be used on both workout and non-workout days. On workout days, just include the training session anywhere in the plan where it fits for you.
2 – The food items are not set in a stone and can be swapped in and out. For example, maybe you prefer chicken over fish, or blueberries over strawberries. That’s no problem, but just make sure the calorie totals match. You can check out the nutrition database on calorieking.com for help with that.
3 – Eating 6 individual meals a day is not a must. If you’d prefer to condense the plan down into fewer meals (minimum 3) just combine some of the meals together.
5000 Calorie Meal Plan
* The number in brackets beside each item is the total calorie content
1) Breakfast
(210) 3 whole eggs
(86) 5 egg whites
(205) 2/3 cup oatmeal (dry measurement)
(86) 1 large orange
(161) 1 1/3 large banana
(105) 1 cup unsweetened fruit juice
(158) 1 1/2 tbsp. natural peanut butter
2) Snack
(193) 1 3/4 scoops whey protein powder
(124) 11 ounces skim milk
(233) 3/4 cup oatmeal (dry measurement)
(69) 12 large strawberries
(97) 14 almonds
3) Lunch
(293) 5.5oz. lean sirloin beef
(476) 2 1/5 cups rice (cooked)
(120) 2 tbsp. flaxseed oil
Unlimited vegetables
4) Snack
(193) 2 scoops whey protein powder
(102) 9 ounces skim milk
(311) 1 cups oatmeal (dry measurement)
(100) 2 1/2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
5) Dinner
(327) 7oz. chicken breast
(368) 2 1/3 cups yam
(153) 2 cups corn
(120) 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
Unlimited vegetables
6) Snack
(285) 1 3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
(68) 6oz. skim milk
(249) 4/5 cup oatmeal (dry measurement)
(108) 4 walnuts
I hope this 5000 calorie meal plan is a helpful addition to your program.
– Sean
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