This free bodybuilding macronutrient calculator will show you exactly how many daily calories you require along with the exact grams of protein, carbs and fats you should consume to meet your individual muscle building or fat burning needs.

Proper training in the gym is obviously important, but you’re simply not going to make any significant progress unless you have a well-structured nutrition plan to go along with it.

The way this macronutrient calculator works is simple…

First, the calculator will estimate your daily calorie maintenance level, which is the number of calories you require to maintain your current weight.

Second, it will add or subtract the appropriate number of calories from your maintenance level to create either a calorie surplus for muscle growth or a calorie deficit for fat loss.

Third, the calculator will translate your calorie intake into an optimal amount of daily protein, carbohydrates and fats to help you meet your goal as effectively as possible.

It only takes a minute or two to complete and will make planning out your complete bodybuilding diet a much easier task.

After you’ve received your daily nutrition breakdown, make sure to continue reading further for more important information about how to structure your diet in the most effective way possible, as well as how to adjust your calorie intake over time.

Get started below…


Free Bodybuilding Macronutrient Calculator

My Primary Goal:

Bulking: I want to build overall muscle size and strength while minimizing gains in body fat.

Cutting: I want to lean down and lose body fat while maintaining lean muscle and strength.

My Body Stats:







Height In Inches:

My Activity Level:

When selecting your activity level below, take into account both your exercise schedule as well as your lifestyle outside of the gym…

Very Active
Extremely Active

Thanks! Just hit the submit button below for your macronutrient breakdown…

My Daily Nutrition Breakdown:

Calories: XXXX

Protein: XXXg

Carbohydrates: XXXg

Fats: XXXg


Important Information To Consider

bodybuilding macros

Keep in mind that no macronutrient calculator is perfect, and these number should simply be treated as a starting point and may need to be adjusted.

These are the basic targets that you should be shooting for…

#1 – If your goal is to gain muscle, aim for a total body weight gain of 0.5-1 pounds per week. If you’re gaining any more than this, you’re likely putting on an excessive amount of body fat.

#2 – If your goal is to lose fat, aim for a total body weight loss of between 1-2 pounds per week. If you’re consistently losing much more than this, then you’re probably losing an excessive amount of muscle as well.

(Note that it’s normal to lose a larger amount in the first 2-3 weeks as your body’s overall water weight decreases and your total food volume drops)

So, employ the calorie/macronutrient guidelines given above and then adjust accordingly if you’re gaining or losing body weight at too slow or too quick a rate based on your goal.

Also keep in mind that as you gain more muscle or lose more fat, your calories need to be continually adjusted in order to produce further results.

Once your body weight stalls, add or subtract 100-150 calories from your current intake (add if you’re trying to gain muscle and subtract if you’re trying to lose fat) and then re-calculate your macros using the calculator or just doing so manually.

This is the breakdown that the macronutrient structure is based on…

Protein: 1g per pound of body weight. (Protein contains 4 calories per gram)

Fats: 25% of total calories. (Fats contain 9 calories per gram)

Carbohydrates: The remaining calories after protein/fat is calculated. (Carbs contain 4 calories per gram)

This is an extremely reliable breakdown that will work very well for most people in the majority of situations.

You don’t need to hit these numbers dead on, but try to come as close as you can if you’re truly serious about maximizing your results.

Protein and carbohydrates should be aimed for within about 10 grams give or take, and fat should be aimed for within about 5 grams give or take.

Remember: the workouts you perform at the gym are important, but if you aren’t hitting your macronutrient needs each day with reasonable accuracy, you’re greatly short-changing your results.

If you’d like a fully customized meal plan created for you based on your daily macronutrient needs, I’d highly suggest checking out my Custom Meal Plan service.

If you found this article helpful, make sure to sign up for your FREE custom fitness plan below...

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