There are many individual details that go into planning out a complete muscle building workout Things like intensity, workout volume, duration, training layout and rest periods… While all of these factors are very important, there’s one thing you must nail...
Having a well-balanced training program is not only important when it comes to building a properly proportioned physique – it’s also a crucial aspect of injury prevention as well. One of the most common imbalances in those who train intensely...
No other muscle screams “power” quite like thick, tall traps do. When paired up with a set of well-developed shoulders, traps make a huge contribution to your overall physique, particularly if you want to look as big as possible underneath...
“Hardgainer” is a term that gets thrown around a lot. It typically refers to those with a “fast metabolism”, smaller bone structure and who generally have a tougher time packing on muscle size and strength. Browse the online forums and...
If you weren’t blessed with genetically muscular calves, adding significant size to this area of your physique can often be a challenge. While some trainees seem to be able to gain mass just by looking at a calf raise machine,...
Whether your primary goal is to build muscle or lose fat, including additional cardio exercise in your program is a useful way to burn through additional calories. It can be used during a mass gaining phase to keep body fat...
Vanadyl sulphate is derived from the trace mineral vanadium and can be found in natural foods such as soybeans, mushrooms and various types of seafood. It was only recently identified as being essential to humans. The body only requires very...
Sean Nalewanyj is a best-selling fitness author and fitness coach who has been publishing evidence-based, no B.S muscle building and fat loss information online since 2005. Through the comprehensive free content found in his Articles, YouTube Channel and Instagram, Sean has helped hundreds of thousands of average, everyday people from all over the world build muscle, lose fat and completely transform their bodies and lives. Read More...